Cancellation of Patui Reserve Opening

As many of you are aware, extensive work has been underway at our Patui reserve to transform it into the wonderful sanctuary it has become. Originally, we had planned to commemorate this achievement with an official opening scheduled for the end of February, as a way to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to its creation. However, it is with genuine disappointment that we must announce the cancellation of this event.
After careful consideration and a thorough assessment of access roads, we have unfortunately determined that they pose significant safety concerns for travel to Patui. Recent logging activity has exacerbated the conditions, making the roads even more hazardous. Our primary concern is the wellbeing of our supporters, and we cannot, in good conscience, proceed with the event knowing the potential risks associated with accessing the reserve.
Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause. Safety is a top priority for us, and we believe this decision is necessary to uphold that commitment.
In light of these circumstances, we are actively exploring alternative options, such as creating a short film for our supporters. This film would showcase the reserve and highlight all the remarkable work that has already been accomplished.
We deeply appreciate your understanding and ongoing support as we navigate these challenges and strive to find meaningful ways to share the beauty and importance of Patui reserve with you.