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Eradicating TB from Rangitoto Enhances Biodiversity

TBfree New Zealand is working with us to stamp out pests in the Rangitoto Range to control bovine tuberculosis (TB) and bring the birds back. The Hauhungaroa and Rangitoto ranges...

Pureora safe for the present

We are happy to see that no permits were granted this week for mining in Pureora which is very good news. It is hoped that continued public pressure will persuade...

Pureora Too Precious To Mine

In two days Simon Bridges, Minister of Energy and Resources, will announce the decisions on areas where the government will grant permits for mining exploration. One possible area is the...

International Day of Forests 2014

As a charitable group, the Trust relies heavily on the help and goodwill of the public. It is only because of people like you that we are able to continue...

Official Facebook Page

Our official new Facebook page is now up and running. We plan to use facebook to provide more connectivity with our supporters, providing regular reserves updates, highlighting special events and...

Trust Manager Profile

Testifying to the Trust’s high reputation, the position of Manager attracted a strong field of applicants from whom the clear choice was Sandy Crichton. He began work in January and...

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About Us

NZ Native Forests Restoration Trust trading as the Native Forest Restoration Trust is a registered charitable organization under the Charities Act 2005. Our Charities Commission registration number CC30320

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© 2025 Native Forest Restoration Trust