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40th Anniversary Planting at Ed Hillary Hope Reserve
The Native Forest Restoration Trust officially came into being with the signing of its Deed of Trust on 17 July 1980, forty years ago. The first event to celebrate...
Otatara Appeal – Thank you for your amazing support
The 20th May was the deadline for this purchase and we are absolutely delighted to confirm that this has now gone through and we will have a new reserve...
Otatara Appeal – Less than one week to go!
We’ve so far raised about $775,000, an amazing achievement under the circumstances, but not enough to save all of this amazing property near Invercargill containing nationally endangered dune totara...
Otatara Appeal – We’re at the Halfway Mark!
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our appeal to buy and restore 80 hectares of rare coastal Totara forest near Invercargill in Southland. We’re thrilled to...